Source: Fifth meeting decisions matrix | The Herald February 27, 2019
Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Monica MutsvangwaFIFTH MEETING DECISIONS MATRIX:26th February, 2019
ITEM (1) PUBLIC ENTERPRISE REFORM PROGRAMME: Update on the Establishment of the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency (ZIDA): Restructuring of the Nationals Competitiveness Commission
The Minister of Finance and Economic Development briefed Cabinet on the progress on the public enterprise reform programme, with particular reference to the establishment of the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency (ZIDA) and restructuring of the National Competitiveness Commission as follows:
Establishment of the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency (ZIDA)
Cabinet noted as follows:
The legislation to underpin the operations of ZIDA is now before Parliament;
An interim Inter-Ministerial Committee to provide one-stop shop investment service is now fully operational;
A fully-fledged ZIDA, which will complete the processing of investment approvals within a day is set to be fully operational by the end of the second quarter of 2019.This is bound to significantly improve the investment climate in the country, and thereby stimulate economic development in line with the goals in Vision 2013.
Restructuring of the National Competitiveness Commission
Cabinet reconsidered its decision on April 2018 to convert the National Competitiveness Commission into a Department under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Following a submission by the Minister of Industry and Commerce and in light of prevailing international best practice, Cabinet approved the recommendation by the minister that the National Competitiveness Commission should continue to operate as an autonomous entity that is premised on private sector involvement.
(2). Report on Progress in the Implementation of 100-Day Projects:
Cabinet received progress reports on the implementation of 100- Day Projects by the Ministers of Primary and Secondary Education, and of Transport and Infrastructural Development as follows:
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development
The Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development briefed Cabinet on (5) priority projects that are under implementation:
Dulisation of the road from tollgate to Melfort along Harare–Mutare Road: Work on the five kilometre stretch stands at 80 percent completion.
Dualisaton of road from Norton to tollgate along the Harare-Bulawayo Road:-
The surfacing of the nine kilometre stretch was completed and work on the rail over is underway.
Construction of Pembi Bridge Approaches:-
The construction of a new two-lane bridge was completed and what remains is the construction of the road approaches to the bridge.
Computerisation of transport management systems:-
The computerisation of the learner’s driver’s licence at VID Eastlea under a Public Private Partnership arrangement is 95 percent complete. The procurement and installation of the hardware and software has been completed.
What remains is linking the platform to the SAP payment system.
(3) Ministry of Primary and secondary Education
The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education presented to Cabinet progress on the prioritised projects for the first 100-Day Cycle as follows;-
Provision of Science Teaching and Learning Materials:-
Two hundred units of the proposed 300 Primary Mobile Science Laboratory units are now in place. Tendering for Science kits for 3 000 primary schools is underway.
Construction of Mariga Primary School and five other new schools to 100 percent completion:-
Construction of Mariga Primary School is 15 percent complete and the rest at 50 percent
Construction of additional learning facilities in schools (Community IRA-supported Infrastructure Development):- Two classroom blocks at St Josephs Primary School are at 99 percent completion, while the two classroom blocks under construction at Beitbridge Government Primary School are 90 percent complete.
Learner and Curriculum Support through Partnerships:-
The project was commissioned by the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, whereby 400 iPads were delivered by 20 primary schools.
Forty one of the 60 assistive devices for 60 learners who are hard of hearing were fitted.
Upgrades and register 10 satellite schools in Mashonaland West and Midlands provinces:-
Construction work at the 10 satellite schools in Kariba and Siakobvu District in Mashonaland West and Zvishavane; Mberengwa and Shurugwi Districts in Midlands Province are at various levels of completion.
(4) Principles for the Manpower Development Amendment
The Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development presented principles to amend the Manpower Planning and Development Act (Chapter 28:02) in order to align it with the Zimbabwe Constitution. Cabinet approved the amendments, which principally seek to streamline and elevate the role of tertiary institutions as well as professional bodies in the industrialisation and modernisation of Zimbabwe. It also seeks to entrench good corporate governance.
(5) Principles of the Citizenship Amendment Bill
Following presentation by the Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, Cabinet approved the principles for the amendment of the Zimbabwe Citizenship Bill as part of the ongoing process of aligning the country’s laws to the provisions of the Constitution.
Key provisions of the amendment include the following:
Renaming of the Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act as the Zimbabwe Citizenship Act;
Permitting of dual citizenship for citizens by birth;
Establishment of a Zimbabwe Citizenship and Immigration Board to, inter alia , oversee the granting and revocation of citizenship by descent and registration;
Prohibition of dual citizenship for citizens by descent and registration; and
The requirement for applicants for citizenship by registration to have resided in Zimbabwe for 10 years, contrary to the current requirement of five years in terms of the current Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act.
(6) The Bread Supply Situation
The Minister of Industry and Commerce briefed Cabinet on the persistent shortage of bread on market, together with the accompanying pressure for price increases.
He then highlighted that in the context of the Buy Zimbabwe Campaign, it had been proved by one entrepreneur that local wheat can produce bread at a cheaper price without the need for importation of ingredients. In the light of this information, Cabinet will consider various options to ensure that consumers throughout the country obtain bread at affordable and viable prices.
(6) Update on the Battlefields Minefield Disaster
The Ministers of Local Government Public Works and National Housing and Mines and Mining Development briefed Cabinet on the ongoing recovery work at the Cricket Mine where four miners are still trapped.
Cabinet noted with concern that the dewatering of the shaft which should clear access to level five where the miners are believed to have been working at has not progressed fast enough owing to some technical problems relating to the state of the mine shaft.
Cabinet shares the extreme anxiety being borne by the affected families and will do everything possible to conclude the search process.
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