A prominent Mutare businessman, Mr Sam Sithole, popularly known as Samboy, is mourning the loss of five family members in a tragic head-on collision near Marondera on Wednesday night. The accident occurred as the family was returning to Mutare after attending a graduation ceremony for one of the deceased, Jimmy Tinashe Sithole, in Harare. The […]
The post Mutare mbinga speaks out after accident killed all 5 family members near Surrey, Marondera while coming from graduation first appeared on My Zimbabwe News.Mutare mbinga speaks out after accident killed all 5 family members near Surrey, Marondera while coming from graduation
A prominent Mutare businessman, Mr Sam Sithole, popularly known as Samboy, is mourning the loss of five family members in a tragic head-on collision near Marondera on Wednesday night. The accident occurred as the family was returning to Mutare after at…