Becoming Limitless

Source: Becoming Limitless | Daily News A program that helps you live a new paradigm in thinking about your life. It involves collapsing charges and bringing yourself to balance. Create the first step in creating the new version of yourself.  Life is a continuous journey.  We grow at the pinnacle of support and challenge.  So […]

The post Becoming Limitless appeared first on Zimbabwe Situation.

Source: Becoming Limitless | Daily News

A program that helps you live a new paradigm in thinking about your life. It involves collapsing charges and bringing yourself to balance.

Create the first step in creating the new version of yourself.  Life is a continuous journey.  We grow at the pinnacle of support and challenge.  So what are your next steps?

Everyone has a Superpower, whats yours?

Join our next programme in the series to “Becoming Limitless” by finding your superpower and mastering your destiny.  The Ultimate Success Guide, the best selling book, comes to life in this breakthrough event featuring NLP sessions designed to catapult your development to a whole new level.

Balance your mind.  Balance your life. Be part of the next generation of success in just 3 days.

Think of Superpower Success as a touching, pure cerebral workout that will stretch your thinking… challenge you… and propel you forward on all key areas of your life.

IF YOU WANT to completely transform your vocation and fully commit to actualising your natural talent and potential, this is the program for you.

IF YOU WANT to completely transform your finances and have the freedom to live the life you desire, this is the program for you.

IF YOU WANT to completely transform your physical health, this is the program for you.

IF YOU WANT to completely transform your life emotionally and delight in greater peace and harmony, this is the program for you.

IF YOU WANT to enthusiastically and playfully enjoy the full richness of life, this is the program for you.

Upcoming Events
Becoming Limitless   Saturday 14 September.
Superpower Success Tuesday 17 September – Thursday 19 September

Mastering Sustainable Leadership Agility Monday 23 September – Wednesday 25 September

The post Becoming Limitless appeared first on Zimbabwe Situation.