WHILE for some, the high temperatures  being experienced in Bulawayo have merely
brought discomfort, for Ms Nobuhle Tshuma of Kensington on the outskirts of
Bulawayo, the heat has had dire consequences for her business, after she lost
160 chickens to the adverse climatic conditions.

The chickens are meant to be Ms Tshuma’s grand retirement
plan, after she recently moved back to the country

WHILE for some, the high temperatures  being experienced in Bulawayo have merely brought discomfort, for Ms Nobuhle Tshuma of Kensington on the outskirts of Bulawayo, the heat has had dire consequences for her business, after she lost 160 chickens to the adverse climatic conditions. The chickens are meant to be Ms Tshuma’s grand retirement plan, after she recently moved back to the country