Human Rights Investigation Mission Report: Glen View 3 Service Delivery Disruptions

Source: Human Rights Investigation Mission Report: Glen View 3 Service Delivery Disruptions Introduction The Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) conducted a human rights violations investigation in Glen View 3, Harare, to assess the state of environmental rights and service delivery in the community. This is part of follow up efforts to monitor implementation of the […]

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Source: Human Rights Investigation Mission Report: Glen View 3 Service Delivery Disruptions

Introduction The Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) conducted a human rights violations investigation in Glen View 3, Harare, to assess the state of environmental rights and service delivery in the community. This is part of follow up efforts to monitor implementation of the People’s Human Rights Manifesto signed by over 232 duty bearers including President Mnangagwa committing to ensure promotion and protection of human rights as well as provision of basic amenities to their constituents. Our findings revealed critical issues related to running sewage, burst sewer pipes, uncontrolled dumping sites and uncollected garbage, which pose significant health risks to residents. The paralysis of service delivery in Glen View 3 has culminated in violation of environmental and socio-economic rights in the community.

Glen View 3 is a high-density suburb, situated on the border of Harare and Mashonaland West provinces with an estimated population of 160,000 people, (UN Population, 2023). The suburb is divided into several sections, including Glen View 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 1 Extension, and Riverside.


This environmental investigation mission report followed endemic service delivery disruptions documented and reported by ZimRights monitors on January 31, 2024. These disruptions have endangered the lives of many residents in Glen View 3. The suburb has a history of waterborne disease outbreaks, including cholera and typhoid. These outbreaks claimed lives in September 2018, when a sudden outbreak of cholera and typhoid hit the area, resulting in the loss of lives due to inadequate sewer infrastructure and insufficient attention from the Harare City Council. The overriding objective of the ZimRights mission was to address these pressing environmental concerns and advocate for urgent action.

Key Findings
Sewage Crisis

Raw sewage has been flowing inside houses and business premises in various parts of Glen View 3. Residents are in panic mode, fearing waterborne diseases. The sewer reticulation system has been neglected, exacerbating the problem. The affected area, particularly 73 crescent area in Glen View 3, demands immediate attention. Despite residents’ reports, the response from the Harare City Council has been slow and inadequate.

Unattended burst sewage pipes have worsened the situation. Lack of proper equipment hinders the council’s ability to address sewer bursts promptly.  Schools and Shops near Glen View 3 area are affected, endangering both learners and authorities. Blocked toilets, sewage flowing inside houses, and contaminated wells have been documented on our social media platforms.

ZimRights Harare province Chairperson Mr Takawira Mashingaidze who was part of the investigation mission said “the environmental situation in Glen View 3 necessitates that the authorities engage directly with the affected, rather than merely addressing it from the confines of their offices.”

One of the residents from 73 crescent area expressed their frustration over the poor service delivery by their local council.

“The sewerage burst has been left unattended for a long time now and it has created a health hazard and increased the risk of cholera outbreaks in our community…..the council temporarily fixed the situation recently but never used the necessary chemicals to disinfect the place”, she said.

The poor maintenance of sewage pipes has threatened the enjoyment of the right to health and environmental rights as enshrined in section (73) of the constitution of Zimbabwe which guarantees  that every person has the right to an environment that safeguards their well-being.

Uncollected garbage

Residents in Glen View 3, near Sageways Junior School and Glen View 3 Shopping Centre, also highlighted an issue of uncollected garbage and shared distressing images with ZimRights which has posed grave risks to both health and the environment.

One of the residents of Glen View 3 suburb said, “dumpsites are cropping up everywhere, including shopping centers and open spaces, exacerbating the situation, we are still facing challenges of cholera outbreaks due to unattended sewage bursts, and we cannot afford to let this continue,” he said.

ZimRights Harare province Chair Mr. Mashingaidze and other ZimRights human rights monitors visited the Glen View council and met with the Acting District Officer Mrs Mhike who stated that, “the solution to the problem is the rewiring of pipes in the area. This is expected to be done in March 2024 when the budget is approved”, she said.

Combined Harare Residents Association Director Ruben Akili said, the continued issue of collapsed sewer pipes in Glen View 3 has not been addressed by Harare City Council although efforts have been done by the Association in advocating for environmental rights.

He added that, the Association approached the High Court and judgement was given on 17 January 2024.

“Central government has been reluctant to release devolution funds to the City of Harare. The court judgment ordered City of Harare to be responsive to sewerage bursts,” he said.

Urgent Repairs

The Harare City Council must prioritize repairing sewer infrastructure in Glen View 3. Swift action is necessary to prevent further health crises.

Environmental Rights in the Constitution

In addition to addressing the immediate sewage crisis, we recommend that the constitution explicitly recognize environmental rights according to section (73) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe: every citizen has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being. The uncollected garbage violates this fundamental right, affecting the quality of life for residents in Glen View 3.

These rights should ensure that every citizen has the right to a clean and healthy environment. By incorporating these rights, we can better protect the well-being of residents in Glen View 3 and beyond.

Encourage reporting of sewer issues for quicker responses.

Conclusion, both the Harare City Council and duty bearers in Glen View 3 have chosen to ignore their pre-election and post-election promises, as well as the commitments made when they signed the People’s Human Rights Manifesto which aimed to ensure that everyone has access to essential amenities and services.

ZimRights calls upon relevant authorities to take immediate action to safeguard the health and well-being of Glen View 3 residents. Let us work together to prevent future cholera outbreaks and create a healthier environment for all.

Uncontrolled dumping sites – 1/2


Flowing raw sewage in 73 Crescent Glen View 3 – 3/4/5/6


The post Human Rights Investigation Mission Report: Glen View 3 Service Delivery Disruptions appeared first on Zimbabwe Situation.